I and my wife ordered Hesburger's Juusto-Veke-ateria and Veke-ateria.
Juusto-Veke-hamuprilainen / Cheese-Vege-burger
Inside of a Juusto-Veke burger, you'll find a vegetable-made-patty, onion? , a sheet of cheddar cheese, and pickled cucumbers, with vege-mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard.
The patty is made of pea and wheat. It lacks texture in my opinion. This vege-patty is not my favourite among vegetable substitute meat products I have tried.
I felt that the taste itself is helped by the ketchup. My wife said the onion is being a positive element regarding the taste.
If you order just the Juusto-Veke burger, it only cost 1 EUR. My wife was impressed by its price, especially compared to McDonald's 1 EUR burger.
At the moment, meal-set is only 4 EUR. It comes with French fries and 0.25 l drink.
Veke-hampurilainen / Vege-burger
This one has a breaded soybean-made-patty, a slice of tomato, a slice of onion, a lettuce leaf, with vege-mayonnaise.
The soybean-patty had a nice chewy texture, and combined with the breaded outer layer, it was pleasant to eat.
As you can see in the photograph, inside of the patty has this type of structure. It is indeed similar to a big chunk of dried soy meat. In my experience, such dried soy meat is difficult to hydrate well, but this patty was well cooked.
The vege-mayonnaise is adding mild taste to the burger, and in a way, the taste of the burger is occupied by this mayonaisee-mild taste.
I would wish if there was more taste in the burger or in the patty. But then again, I don't think any of Hesburger's beef patty tasty (nor McDonald's beef patties in this context). So if you compare Hesburger's (and McDonald's) main products, which I assume is beef patty burgers, to this one, there is nothing to complain about.
The price for the meal-set is 5.90 EUR, it comes with French fries and 0.4 l drink (yes more drink than the other set).
Source: Hesburger